Its Not Funny Anymore
copyright Simpson

List of Songs along with a brief background about the inspiration behind this unavailable album, Its Not Funny Anymore, by Tom Simpson.

1. Valois Park

It all happened here. Our first everything. I still drop by now and again. The strongest memory I have is riding my bike at 3:00 in the morning; full speed into the "relocated" bicycle stand. It took me ten minutes to bend my fingers back into place.

2. Baking Soda & Vinegar

I still find this fascinating. Instant scientist or what?

3. Theme from Expo 67

I have this tune on a 45. Just anticipating the first note brings on images of the monorail. No more monorail, no more economy & no more people. Not a song of hope.

4. Truth or Consequences

If you are a real Bob Barker fan you'll remember how damn good this show was. This was before he went totally commercial. I find a real parallel in the careers of Bob Barker and Phil Collins.

5. Figure Skating, Diving, Gymnastics & Synchronized Swiming

These events really need the benefits of video playback, I mean how can the judges see some of that shit. Half the synchro stuff is underwater! Those judges should be in the pool with the athletes. This is an angry instrumental.

6. Sauna Dream

Have you ever jumped in a sauna bath and the chain around your neck sinks into the flesh as it heats to white hot? Well just imagine me in my dream fumbling to remove my suit of armor. I wish I could stop these Mediaeval dreams.

7. Mr. Migraine Glasses

I have often thought that Mr. Rogers should have had a visitor named Mr. Migraine Glasses. He would come on the show once a week and complain about how painful his headaches are while sporting a pair of those frozen "cat woman like" glasses. Kids love this stuff!

8. Hockey Cards

It goes like this "Need'em Got'em Got'em Need'em Got'em Need'em Got'em"

9. The Award of Excellence

I had this friend who weighed in at 16Lbs. He could do the flexed arm hang for about three hours, but not while we were rifling volley balls in his back.

10. The French Dining Report Song

18% Ambience
1% Service
10% Food Quality
1% Food Quantity
80% Attitude

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