Bobby Orr's Knee
copyright Simpson

List of Songs along with a brief background about the inspiration behind this unavailable album, Bobby Orr's Knee, by Tom Simpson.

1. Incandescent Light

I used to play this game with a couple of friends, we'd stare at a light for a couple of minutes and then see who could read the most in one minute.

2. Why Wah Wah?

Some may find this odd but using the wah wah effect on the drum kit forced me to join the Shriners.

3. Dill, Oregano, Basil & Nutmeg

NO... this is not a rip off of a some what famous Simon & Garfunkle tune! These happen to be four spices that deliver the least discomfort when rubbed in your eyes.

4. Riggs vs King

One giant step for mankind, lost in one tennis match.

5. The Bic Pen

Bobby Orr's dreaded slap shot and the Bic Pen. Now that was a commercial!

6. B-Line

What if you arrived at point B from point A then left the next morning for another point? Would that be point C or does staying overnight make your present location point A again?

7. Too Many Couches

Have you ever noticed that while Fred Flintstone dashes through his living room he passes about 23 couches and 18 odd windows? Is this an optical illusion or something?

8. The Times Tables

I could always remember 7x6=42 but for some reason I fell apart on 6x7. I always wrote it off to mathematical dyslexia.

9. Silly Putty

I have been carrying guilt for a very long time now. I told a friend of mine that if he rifled a piece of Silly Putty at the wall from about 4 feet away with the all force he could mustard up, it would stick. I'm not sure he ever got the sight back in that eye... sorry Doug?

10. The Mask Of Vulcan

Great, so you put it on and get all this strength but you can't see a damn thing cause your peripheral vision is reduced to about 6%. You take it off to see what's up and WHAM Hercules, Newton and Toot kick your ass around Mount Olympia!

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