The Stuff - Screams From The John

List of Songs along with a brief background about the inspiration behind this unavailable album, Screams From The John, by Tom Simpson.

1. Pardon My French

You won't all understand this but....please help us. These people are getting way out of line.

2. Kill Me First

If you are ever in a situation where several people are going to be executed and you are one of them, I would be confident suggesting that using reverse psychology would get you to the bottom of the order. Request that you be the first to go. Try not to be annoying or overly eager.

3. Winded

I fell from a tree once and landed on my back. I think it was about ten minutes before I got my breath back. I kept thinking to myself that it was too bad I wasn't underwater breaking a world record for holding your breath.

4. Supreme

When you heard a group of ten kids yell this you would feel your heart start to race. Then you would begin to pray it was not directed at you. Having your underwear removed without taking your pants off can have negative long term effects both emotionally and physically.

5. National Geographic

I can not remember the issue but amongst all the saggy ones there were a few pert little numbers. You know what I'm talking about!

6. Safari for Real Men

You are nude. You have a rock and a stick. You are in the middle of remote Africa. Have fun.

7. Green Garbage Bags

Little league football had this rule, you must weigh in under 125 lbs. Well on the morning of the weigh in I was at 136 lbs. Our swift coach had this rapid weight loss system. Wear a green garbage bag over your torso and legs while running behind the coach who is on a bicycle. It works, I weighed in at 127 frikin' pounds!

8. Day Trader

New meaning to the lines "Got a good reason, for taking the easy way out".

9. Human Marsupials

Imagine if chicks had this skin bag hanging off their bellies? Hello plastic surgeon.

10. Johnny 522

There was this guy in school who was cool, had great marks AND he was in all the tough classes.

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