Below are samples of three songs from TheWaX-mas Holiday Album which you may hear right now! You can either download a wav version or stream it in if you have a Real Audio Player:

Silent Night (wav); sung by Drew.

Silent Night (rm); sung by Drew.

Christmas Tree (wav); sung by t-bone.

Christmas Tree (rm); sung by t-bone.

Jingle Bells (wav); sung by Drew and t-bone.

Jingle Bells (rm); sung by Drew and t-bone.

And if that's not enough; here's an interview with Drew and t-bone of and TheWax respectively regarding the album in question.

What spawned this compilation of holiday favourites sung by the staff of

Drew - That Gap Kids commercial with the Jingle Bells remix.
T-bone - I think it also has something to do with the fact that someone's been repainting several rooms in the building and the fumes really get pretty overwhelming up here on the top floor; so actually I think we're legally intoxicated which may explain the album.

How did you choose your very favourite holiday songs?

Drew - We sang whatever we could remember some of the lyrics to. But even then we didn't do so well.

T-bone - I call it artistic license.

How long did it take to record?

Drew - 20 minutes.

T-bone - Tops.

Do you feel closer to each other as partners now that you've sung in such resounding harmony?

Drew - No.

T-bone - (Ha ha ha) All kidding aside; no.

Does TheWax plan any future collaborative musical productions?

Drew - Hope not. But probably.

T-bone - Well in terms of X-mas compilations we'll just re-release this one every year on the day after Halloween and pester the public with television and radio ads until the holiday season makes you so bitter and resentful that you can taste the bile in your mouth. This interview is over.