Wisdom Through Humor
While You Were Watching Television

4.2 - February 2001

3.12 - December 2000

3.11 - November 2000

In February 2001 - top

While you were watching television, I was:

Seeking Constellation

01/Feb/05 - The only stars in the city are in the planetarium.

In December 2000 - top

While you were watching television, I was:

Filling The Void

00/Dec/01 - Bruised, battered and free in a world bound by the hypnotic network pendulum.

In November 2000 - top

While you were watching television, I was:

Learning To Go Without

00/Nov/13 - Sometimes you don't know you can live without something until it's gone.

Creating This Column

00/Nov/01 - Is what Mak was doing while you were watching...

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